Sustainability Policy - Biemans Trophy Products B.V.

The purpose of the Biemans Trophy Products B.V. (hereafter BTP) Sustainability Policy is to provide a compass to BTP’s sustainability management, including minimizing the impact on the environment, maintaining a sustainable workforce and contributing to and usage of a sustainable supply chain.
The transfer to a sustainable economy, is a responsibility that any company should bear. We believe in doing the right thing.

Definition and scope
The core principles of our Sustainability Policy align with our company mission, vision, strategy and values. Our policy is based on taking climate actions, creating a sustainable supply & value chain and a sustainable workforce. We create transparency and insight in our progress by active monitoring and periodic reporting.

Objectives and principles
We have created 5 key sustainability themes. These themes are an integral part of our culture and decision-making.

Taking climate action
We aim to reduce our environmental impact by:
Reducing energy consumption wherever we can.
Minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency from our operations.

Social objectives
We highly value our BTP Team, their wellbeing is our goal. Job satisfaction is a key component of our strategy.
Diversity, equity and inclusion are values that we take into account when hiring new people.
Everybody gets a chance in our company!

Economic & governance objectives
We aim to be transparent about the economic, environmental and social impact of our activities and our performance goals, metrics and results.
We actively seek compliance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions we operate in.

Sustainable supply chain management objective
We aim to carefully select our suppliers and check on labor, compliance with local legislation and environmental impact.

Product& Packaging objective
We aim to use sustainable packaging as much as possible and to lower the use on packaging materials where we have the option. For our products we aim to develop new products made of recycled and/ or sustainable raw materials and using production methods with lower emissions.

The BTP executive team is responsible for aligning the key long-term objectives, annual objectives and targets. The executive team also ensures implementation and follow up of related actions.
This is shared with the BTP team through quarterly meetings and work progress meetings. The whole BTP team is motivated to actively contribute to the objectives and targets.

BTPs reporting takes place on a annual frequency by the BTP executive team. The Sustainability Policy is reported to the Shareholders on an annual basis as part of the reporting process.
Review, update and approval of the Sustainability Policy

The BTP executive team is responsible for ensuring the Sustainability Policy is updated. The Shareholders review and approve the Sustainability Policy as requested.